
abo exam

abo exam prep

Prepare for your National Opticianry Certification Exam (NOCE) to become a Certified American Board of Opticianry (ABOC) Optician.

ncle exam

ncle exam prep

Prepare for your Contact Lens Registry Exam (CLRE) to become a Certified National Contact Lens Examiner (NCLE).


optical training

Standards and formulas, apps, videos, courses and lensmeter training.

continuing ed

continuing education

Free and paid resources for you to get all of the CE’s you need!


becoming an optician

This interview series is is designed to show relatability and opportunity.


associations and societies

Associations, societies, and organizations within the industry


optician history

Curious about who and what came before you in our profession?


why become an optician?

There are many reasons – see why here!

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