New Transitions Color Options

As of July 16, 2018 Transitions photochromic light intelligent lenses added four new colors to their existing three options. Existing Signature colors are Gray, Brown and Graphite Green while newly added Style colors are Sapphire, Amethyst, Emerald and Amber.

I recently attended a Transitions and Walman Optical hosted webinar about this new release, during which I learned that the new color release is Transitions’ effort to market to a younger and wider customer base. A large percent of younger generations do not know what Transitions are and what they do.

Transitions unactivated
The photo of all clear lenses shows the color of lenses in their resting state. One concern was that the resting state of the Style Colors would appear yellowish like a blue A/R does, but it does not. Nor does it muddy your outlook through the lenses like blue A/R, it does however, give a slight purple outlook. Note that the Signature Colors are older and slightly darker in this photo. I tried to include a variety of lenses here to see all hues of different coatings. (click for larger image)
Transitions colors half activatedThis half activated photo shows the most accurate color of anti-reflective coatings. Both of the top lenses have the same coating yet notice how much more purple/blue the reflection is in the Sapphire lens than the Amethyst. The bottom two Signature colors do not have an A/R coating.
Fully activated Transitions ColorsFully activated lenses! The new Style Colors are much darker than the Signature colors. To me the Amethyst looks like a darker gray while the Sapphire looks even darker.
Deactivated TransitionsThis photo shows the lenses back to clear after being fully activated. I kept one lens from each pair indoors while activating its mate and took this photo when the lenses  returned to the closest color to its inactivated mate. The time to get back to matching colors was 20 minutes.
Scott Harris SH462 with Transitions AmethystFinally, a photo of mostly activated lenses in a frame, Amethyst lenses in one of our practices best selling frames, Europa’s SH462, in purple of course.
  • While they last you can request a style kit for your office.
  • Get your practice listed on the “where to buy” on the Transitions website by having at least one patient register their Transitions online using your practice’s location ID number.
  • The Amber color uses the brown as a base while the three other colors use the gray as a base.
  • All seven colors block 100% of UV rays.  The new style colors block 10% less blue light than the signature colors simply due to their color difference.
  • The new colors are the same price AND have the same processing time at your lab as the Signature colors!
  • The new colors are not currently billable through VSP, with no ETA.

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