Free Download for Your Practice to Share
Up your service game! I’ve created this simple image for you to share on your practice’s social media and website for your patients. Often patients aren’t aware of the variety of services their optometry or optical store offers. Most of these services are offered at many offices but if your office does not offer a service listed, no worries, click the links on how to get info on how you can get started. Feel free to download the image below
The Eyewear After Party
The After Party Eyewear show just had their fourth event, this time in Seattle. A while back I had seen photos of previous events on social media and I thought to myself, what a great idea, to have an event showing only independent frame lines (I’ve always worked for independent OD’s and we try to support the independents). Well, to my surprise, about seven weeks ago The After Party announced their next show in Seattle, which is where I live.
History of Opticians From a 100+ Year Old Book
I was handed down a copy of The Optical Journal from 1908, which was passed down from my Clinic Manager’s previous generations who all took pride in their professions in the Optical industry. I have a sense of pride in being able to read this publication, knowing the history of those who have previously read it and deemed it important enough to keep and pass down after all of these years. We work in an industry that changes people’s lives
New Interview on Defocus Media Podcast
I had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Lyerly and sharing some thoughts for her Podcast, Defocus Media. I shared how I got started in the industry, information about obtaining ABO certification and/or state Optician licensure and why one would want to obtain this credential. We also discussed the importance of the doctor-patient-handoff and how this is a great opportunity for many things. This episode I also share how I got involved in some industry projects, how you can
How to Recycle Contact Lenses and Blister Packs
I’ve posted a few images on Instagram of the thousands of contact lens blister packs we have recycled in my office and I keep getting the same response, “How can my office recycle too”? Before I go into how easy this program is to take advantage of, I want to touch on what a great service this is. Used contact lenses, the plastic bubble and the foil lid can all be recycled but due to their small size they most
New in 2019: Weekly Instagram Features
I’m spicing up the Instagram page by featuring three frames every week! Each week I will be posting frames for on the corresponding days with hashtags: #MensFrameMonday #WomensFrameWednesday #SunglassesSaturday Head on over to IG to follow the hashtags and OpticianNow!
Glasses Gifts Guide
We all love glasses gifts! I’ve gathered my favorite items from my favorite independent makers of the gifts! After all, independents for independents, right?! These items are perfect gifts for Optometry and Ophthalmology co-workers for the holiday season (or any other time of year) or to just get for yourself because they are so great! I’ve posted several items per merchant but they all offer so many more items! Make sure you click the image or link to their store
How to Easily Clean Up Your Frame Boards at the End of the Year
As the year ends, inventory nears. I’ve come across many Opticians who ask about how to get rid of older frames or frames that don’t move. The answer: buy backs. How does this work? I’m currently in the process of doing this at my clinic and I started by asking every one of my frame reps (that I want more frames from) if they have a buy back program and what the details are. I was surprised at the variety
Optician and Optical Tattoos
We all know how passionate we are about our jobs, we take pride in our work and truly love what we do. Many people have occupation related tattoos but I think Opticians and those in our industry take the cake. We perhaps may because glasses are so trendy and stylish, but mostly because we like to show off what we love to do. I am proud to share some Optician tattoos, with their permission. Got your own Optical tattoo? Contact
Are You Getting All of the Free Publicity You’re Entitled To?
Most vendors you hold accounts with offer a dealer locator / authorized reseller finder on their website. They want consumers to find their products nearest to them and by selling their products you should be findable. Over the years the practice I work at has received a countless number of phone and email inquiries about the products we sell that they learned of on the manufacturers website. People have come from hundreds of miles away for said product and have
How Your Frame Rep Should Help You (written by a frame rep)
Howdy Buyers! When I made the decision to jump to this side of the optical business, I wanted to work with a company that aligned with my values and ethics. I want to help others and show businesses how they can grow. I’m passionate about our local community and I’m inspired by how passionate you are about this industry. (If you’re reading this group, you’re my kind of people!) At my interview with Scott (yep, Scott Harris himself) he asked me
Why do Optometrists write Rx’s in negative cylinder while Ophthalmologists use positive cylinder?
Last week I came across this question in a forum, which I have always wondered why, and leave it to the Optical Yoda, Van Rue to answer and allowed me to share: Ages ago, Cylinder was ground on the front of all lenses beginning around 1835, with sphere on the back… so Cyl was noted in plus form by Ophthalmology, since is was being formalized around this same time. However, in the early 1900’s Dr. A. Estelle Glancy and Dr.
She Opened Her Own Optical Shop
I’ve been in the optical industry for about 10 years. I started in one of the chain stores and lasted about 8 months. I liked the job but not the “corporate feel”. I went to a private practice and kept on that path and also added an independent optical boutique in the San Francisco Bay Area (where I’m from). It was at that optical boutique where my appreciation for better quality products and service really came to light. I appreciated
Nerdwax for Glasses – Seen on Shark Tank
In 2014 my practice helped Nerdwax in donating to their Kickstarter campaign, a little later I watched them pitch their innovative product to investors on Shark Tank. I did find their product interesting but as an Optician I was a bit skeptical so I emailed their owner, Don, to ask what he had to say: One of the biggest objections I get from Opticians is that “if the customers glasses are properly fitted then they won’t slip”. And for the
Mobile Optician Startup
The decision to become a Mobile Optician came about fairly easily! My husband and I were discussing the differences between going into an office and purchasing eyeglasses online. We soon realized that there was a gap in between the two and that we could fill the void. Our original idea with this business was to only host events. Essentially parties where I would bring my frames in a case (like a frame rep) and people would invite their friends. It
New Transitions Color Options
As of July 16, 2018 Transitions photochromic light intelligent lenses added four new colors to their existing three options. Existing Signature colors are Gray, Brown and Graphite Green while newly added Style colors are Sapphire, Amethyst, Emerald and Amber. I recently attended a Transitions and Walman Optical hosted webinar about this new release, during which I learned that the new color release is Transitions’ effort to market to a younger and wider customer base. A large percent of younger generations